Live Life Serendipitously
I was recently reconnected with a friend that I hadn’t seen in several months. A lot has changed in those months, and when we really...
If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em?
About six weeks ago I wrote a blog post where I outlined some of the most annoying grammar and spelling errors that I see and hear every...
Life Lessons from ‘Pure Pwnage’
Note: Anything that may appear as a typo in this post is not. Everything is spelled as it has been officially named. In 2004, Pure...
I’m a Paper Pacifist
There are already a lot of articles online about the war between paper and pixel, but apart from the tasks that require a computer (like...
It’s Okay to Ask for Help
I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of trouble asking people for help. Unless I do something for them, anything that they do for...
I’m a Pathological Liar
I’m a liar. I lie to my friends, I lie to my family, I lie to strangers, and I lie to myself. That last one is most upsetting and I wish...
I Reject Your God
I should say up front that I respect everyone who is a devout Christian, or any religion for that matter. In fact, I have many good friends...
New Year’s Resolutions : 2011
Instead of trying to frivolously change behaviours of previous years, I’m moving to accomplish certain goals instead. So, instead of...
Penny for Your Thoughts? (Follow-Up)
This is a follow-up to a previous post. You can read the first one here. I think Jim Flaherty reads my blog… Canada made a surprising...
New Year’s Resolutions : 2010
This time of year, people everywhere are thinking of ways to make next year better. Or rather, yesterday people were thinking of ways to...